Indoor Vs Outdoor Which Way To Go


 Despite the fact that autoflowers don’t need much soil, it is fact that they need the best in quality of the soil used, some people are of the opinion that you only need to be mindful of the soil you use if you are going to be planting indoors but that is actually not the case, irrespective of if you are going to be planting outside or inside you obviously need soil for your seeds to germinate and using the wrong soil might not make that happen hence, the reason for you to be careful at all times irrespective of where you plant your seeds. Talking of indoor and outdoor planting, it is ideal we look into the similarities and differences that exist between indoor and outdoor planting.

 What is outdoor planting, planting outdoor is the most popular and regular way of planting our crops, it involves burring your seeds directly in the soil mostly on a piece of land for the purpose of farming, outdoor planting involves preparing a piece of land for the purpose of planting this means that as a farmer you must ensure that the farmland is at a good state acceptable for farming i.e. your farmland should be cleared, it should be free from unwanted plants that can disturb or delay the growth of the plant or crop that is intentionally planted. Outdoor planting requires good soil, if the land lacks necessary soil nutrients, it can be mixed with super soil for autoflowers. The crop planted outdoors has exposure to sunlight and doesn’t need an artificial light system Also outdoor planting involves getting a suitable watering system i.e. irrigation and pipe systems and manual watering systems. Outdoor planting systems can easily be affected by natural problems or factors i.e. erosion, excessive winds, heavy downpours, etc. planting outdoor requires a lot of manpower to handle depending on the size of the farm.

Planting indoors is a process of growing plants inside without the need of getting extra land, you just plant your crops within a living space, room, office, or garden which is within a house, planting indoors is usually stress-free as it doesn’t require bush clearing, or waiting for your land to be rid of unwanted plants after fumigation, your plant doesn’t have to contend with any other plant because your plants have its own pallet or pot and therefore has no competition, indoor planting requires super soil for autoflowers for it to grow well, it requires exposure to the artificial light system if there is no direct contact with sunlight, it 


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