How long should one meditate on each chakra?


Chakra meditation is continuously searched on social media platforms each day by a surprisingly huge number of people. A huge part of the population from countries like the USA, Australia, Canada, the UK, and India are wanting to know more about the amazing chakra meditation and its benefits. So, why is chakra meditation so special, and what is in it that could be achieved through this form of meditation that other forms of naturopathic healing therapies could not help individuals with? To get a detailed insight, you need to know the importance of chakras in our bodies, the procedures of doing the chakra meditation, and the benefits of chakra meditation.

Knowing about the chakras

Performing chakra meditation to its full potential, needs one to understand first of all, what the chakras are? The chakras visually look like the spinning wheels of the chariots or like discs and are often referred to by the experts like the yoga gurus and reiki masters as the power points that store energy available on the surface of our bodies. These power points are capable of pulling cosmic powers from the universe and letting it flow in a balanced way inside every important nerve and organ of the body. After knowing the importance of chakras in our bodies, let us understand the benefits of chakra meditation and how to do it properly.

What is the correct way to do chakra meditation and how long should one concentrate on each chakra?

So, as per the experts, how to do chakra meditation? The correct method depends on what kind of a person you are and the meditation posture also depends on your nature. Chakra meditation does not necessarily mean that you have to sit with your legs crossed and have to close your eyes and put your fingers in special signs or “mudras”. The importance of the chakra meditation is how exactly are you feeling during each phase of the meditation and to ensure whether you can soften your mind and could focus better on your higher self.

Meditation should be performed by an individual either daily or every week and an individual should spend at least twenty minutes meditating on the opening and balancing of each chakra. Start by putting your complete focus on the goal that you need to achieve from the meditation, which is, for example, removing stress from your life. Stress is related to the root chakra, so to release stress, focus on the root chakra. Follow these steps for a successful chakra meditation session:

  • Sit on the ground, relax and close your eyes.
  • While you focus on the root chakra, try to visualize a spinning disc inside your body.
  • Let the feeling of calm spread inside you as you expand your breath.
  • As your breathing expands you will feel the chakra be more vivid, clearer, and brighter. 
  • Remember that each breath you take is an intention from your end to expand and open a chakra, cleanse it, and let the power flow uninterrupted within the body.
  • Continue meditating on each chakra for at least 20 minutes.

There are some things to remember when you are meditating on your chakras. First of all, you need to trust your gut feeling to understand how much your chakras have been cleansed and expanded. Second and very important, some days will be harder than others and you will find it very hard to concentrate and meditate, do not be too harsh on yourself. The difference in how you feel with each passing day, week, and month will decide how effective the meditation is for your body and mind.

The benefits of doing chakra meditation?

When you are doing the chakra meditation you are actively conversing with your body. The body itself finds its healing levels and you can witness the effect of positive thoughts, feelings, and emotions coursing in a balanced way throughout the body. 

Should you practice chakra meditation every day, you are bound to feel a sense of peace and contentment. You will find yourself staying away from negative thoughts and feelings and your positive energy surrounding you will increase. 

The chakras can be defined as a tool kit within our body. If the tools are sharpened and they are working well, they could be used according to our will, for our benefit. Similarly, the chakras, if opened and balanced, can help an individual to isolate themselves immediately from any negative incident in their life and help them to stay positive and understand their true purpose in life.


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