Success Tips On How To Publicize A Youtube Channel? 


Getting results with a video marketing strategy, whether on YouTube or another channel, requires, in the first place, a deep knowledge of the interlocutor. Who are you talking to? What are the pains and needs of these people? And most importantly: what kind of content do they consume on YouTube?

To be clear about this, understand how to build buyer personas and buy youtube comments. Your surveys should include questions that help you answer the above questions. Once that’s done, it’s time to put into practice the tips we’ll give you below.

  1. Create Content Relevant To Your Audience

The phrase is hit, but it’s worth reinforcing: content is king! Without quality videos, it’s no use chasing the audience. And when we talk about quality, we’re not saying you need to set up a Hollywood studio in your home. Often, the simplest videos are the most successful simply because they are authentic, offer relevant content, and add value to people’s lives. That’s what you should focus on before any outreach strategy. Quality content attracts the audience’s interest, generates user engagement, and the best part: it makes them share the video with their networks. And so, there is a spontaneous disclosure without you having to invest a penny with paid media.

  1. Do SEO For Youtube

Spontaneous disclosure is a prize! One of the rewards for producing quality content. But you can’t just depend on her, ok? You can and should look for other ways to promote your channel. Do you know the best place to promote your YouTube videos? YouTube itself! There, all the people who like to consume video content are gathered. And it is for them that you must appear. So, you need to adopt SEO for YouTube. Video optimization strategy, which makes them appear well-positioned in users’ searches. This can happen on YouTube and Google, which also have videos in the results. See how to put it into practice:

  • Use keywords in the title – preferably on the left – in the description and the file name (ex.: keyword.mp4);
  • Encourage the audience to comment and rate the video positively (videos with more interactions gain better placement);
  • Publish with high sound and image quality;
  • Use the most relevant tags to identify the main themes of the video.
  1. Optimize Your Youtube Profile And Channel

In addition to the SEO actions mentioned above, it is also essential to take care of your profile. Remember that expression: “the first impression is the one that stays”?

So, you should take care of your appearance to make a good impression on users. When everything is beautiful and well taken care of, you transmit confidence and professionalism. For this, choose a good profile picture.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be your logo, but something that represents your brand. Also, create attractive thumbnails for videos; they appear in search results and are decisive for the user to click or not on your video. Write a good description for the channel and videos, with clear information, calls to action, hashtags that tag the content, and, where possible, with a touch of creativity.


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